So, uh...why were you late?

I wasn't there to hear the conversation but I imagine it went something like this (conveniently translated from the French for those of you who cannot read French. Also convenient since I can't type it...)

"Why were you late, Hon?"
"The, uh, the train I was on had a delay."
"Was it a long delay?"
"Yeah, about two hours."
"Did you know it was going to be a long delay?"
"Yes, I had a pretty good idea it was."
"Well then why didn't you call me on your cell?"
"I couldn't. My arm was stuck."
"Well then use your other arm, silly."
"Well...I couldn't do that, either. The phone was stuck behind my arm."
"And you couldn't reach around?"
"No, my arm had the toilet completely blocked."

Yep, you knew it all the time. The train was delayed 2 hours while they cut him free of the toilet he reached into after his cell phone. He reached into it so far his arm got stuck. What brilliance.

That was a question, not a statement, by the way.


JLee said...

hahaa..where do you find this stuff??
I thought I've had some embarrassing moments...

Riot Kitty said...

OK, that wins, hands-down, for most embarrassing moment. Right up there with the guy who had to have someone call 9-1-1 because he stuck his dick in one of the suction jets in his pool.