Brilliance, thy name is Biden

It has not been too many years since plagiarism was a huge issue in national politics. Some guy named Joe Biden was caught. Wasn't overly repentant, but why should he be? He's Joe Biden!

Well...Joe is at it again.

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy ... I mean, that's a storybook, man."

He is speaking of course of Barack Osama. Now, not to question Joe's awareness of national politics but do you suppose he has ever heard of J.C. Watts? Watts is the rising star who is liked well enough he was selected to give the rebuttal to one of Clinton's speeches. Watts is many things...intelligent, articulate, bright, clean, a nice looking guy....and apparently a non-entity to Joe. Possibly because A) Watts is a Republican and therefore not black enough for Joe and B) I will say in Joe's defense he appears to be talking about people running for President.

Doesn't excuse such an idiotic statement that if, say...Schwarzenegger were to say would be the end of his political career.

Fortunately Joe redeemed himself with this gem:

I have a long, long relationship with these folks

Good answer, way to stay away from stereotyping.

Here is the real irony. I genuinely don't believe Biden is racist, intended these comments to be racist, nor do I believe they are racist comments. However, because of today's comments he will probably be portrayed as racist as would any non-Democrat and/or non-Black who made those statements. And that says more about our country than it does about Joe...who, it is probably clear, I am no fan of...but he should not get the backlash for this I hope he does get.

Huh? Didn't I just contradict myself? No...not really. I don't believe George Bush would deserve the backlash he would get for saying it either. But too much anti-racism in this country is not actually is political posturing based on WHO said it, not WHAT they said. And that creates expectations of ...and, in its own way, acceptance of...racist behavior and justifies calling any behavior desired "racist". Thus people who are not racist get painted with the brush of being racist. Enough already.

So I hope he does get the full thunder of anger...I want Jackson, the NAACP, Sharpton, the DNC, and every other group out in full force, in full throated roar objecint to it and ending Biden's run before it begins because he had the temerity to make a point that in today's climate is not something you can say. Maybe then we will stop using racism as a political tool and for political leverage. Meanwhile, we are all just biden our time...oof, that was terrible. I would apologize if I cared.


Riot Kitty said...

Biden sucks.

Riot Kitty said...

PS It's Barack OBAMA