How to be an Honor Student, Part I

Taylor Killian is a great honor student in fact. And he has many good ideas...he admits it himself.

"It just seemed like a good idea at the time," Killian told police.

He refers to his recent escapade in which he greased himself up and went streaking at his high school during lunch period. Now, as intelligent as this sounds under ANY circumstances, he elected to do this at a school where police serve as security...which leads one to believe they have had crime related issues. Better yet, this wise young man did not stop when ordered and got tasered.....twice. What DOESN'T seem like a good idea about that? A little afternoon tasering fun is always on the agenda.

But the real fun comes in the different depictions. The news story talks of terrified students cowering in fear. The comments by the students that were there and the parents of students in the comments section tells a different story...of laughter and good natured (if stupid) fun. Just something to keep in the back of our mind when we read or listen to or watch the news...what is reported ain't always what happened and what happens isn't always reported.

Now if you will excuse me, I need to put some oil on...

1 comment:

Riot Kitty said...

Brr! Have fun ;)