things you should never hear in places you should never hear them

Imagine. you are walking through the airport. A guy is there meeting the girl he met on craigslist/e-harmony/random other dating site. (I did not even KNOW "Vegetarians Meet"...(an ironic name if I ever heard one) existed until last Saturday.)

He wants to impress her, so he tries to compliment her appearance. "You are the bomb!"

Next thing you know he is in prison for three years for terrorism. You just cannot say "bomb" in the airport in any context.

Which makes me wonder why they are allowed to have a gate called C4...


Riot Kitty said...

Hahahaha! I have to tell you - before I met Mr. RK, I went on a date with a guy who seemed "just like me." A vegetarian, progressive, into alternative rock guy...and he bored the hell out of me.

Holland said...

This post completely cracked me up... C4.. that is the best!

Darth Weasel said...

glad you all enjoyed my comedic stylings.

Of course, as one person elsewhere pointed out...perhaps that gate is like the 13th floor in just doesn't exist....