For the most part, I ignore the Presidential debates and so forth. I do not know what their slogans are. I will say, however, that on my drive home I saw a bumper sticker that I certainly hope is NOT an actual slogan proposed by either campaign.
It is important to set the scene. The vehicle this bumper sticker was on was rather spendy. It was a late model...2008 or 2009 at the earliest...Cadillac that just smacked of elitist arrogance from the way the guy drove to the little add-ons the rig had.
And in the back window was the bumper sticker "Hope" and a candidates name. Yes, I know which candidate. No, I won't mention his name here because I sincerely hope that unbelievably, stupidly offensive slogan is not part of his campaign. Though I reserve the right to change my mind.
What an unbelievably arrogant, offensive thing. Hope for what? Are we as a nation so desperate that we have reached a point where we are without hope? Seriously?
As anyone who has read this particular author knows, I have lots of issues with how this country currently acts. We murder babies and call it "choice", we celebrate immorality, taxes are high, the education system weak, we push politics as science and ignore facts, the disastrous welfare system is broken and full of abuses even where it accomplishes good things, the immigration issues are divisive and good people are doing bad things over it, and we have soldiers outside our borders. These are not all the issues but they are certainly some of the huge ones.
As an aside, I have had lots of people ask me why I will vote for neither Obama nor McCain: I will say right here, right now that I have certain of my own "litmus tests" I apply; even if I believe one candidate has superior economic incentives, if his stances on morality are in ways and places I find offensive, I will vote for his opponent if his opponent has a stand I agree with on morality, even if I find his economic package to be disastrous. Yes, murder is one of those and neither candidate passed that one. that alone is enough to vote for someone else.
Be the above as it may, the basic truth still exists. We still live in a great country from the standpoint of personal freedoms. I can work whatever job I choose that my skills allow, I can hold debates with people whose opinions diametrically oppose mine, I can be part of the process to get laws changed, I have access to information to refute the falsehoods taught in schools or to reinforce the portions they teach correctly, and so forth.
Unlike much of the world, when we get divorced (a bad thing) we can find our own residences (a good thing). Sound like a stupid argument? Yesterday there was a news item about a couple in Cambodia who divorced. They could not afford to not live together so dude cut his house in half and moved his half away.
This is not an isolated incident. It is commonplace to live in the same house after divorcing in Russia. I once wrote about a couple living that way where the ex-wife set the ex-husband on fire as he slept in a drunken stupor. Way to go! Hilarious at the time, but indicative of major housing issues.
And that does not even look at deeper issues faced by most of Africa, by issues faced in Cuba, the Middle East, South America, France, Asia....
We live in a country where it is not just possible but probable that a person can be born in a hole-filled shack and, by applying themselves, retire early with a good-sized bank account thanks to our education system; it may be flawed but it is still very effective.
We live in a country where the homeless are more often than not that way by choice. We have programs in place to help these people; not all of them want help. Those that do usually find it.
We live in a country where "illegal immigrants" can publicly gather and protest being punished for their crimes. We live in a country where people can work to help said illegal immigrants.
Where else are these things true? Are you aware that if you are not a Mexican citizen you cannot own land in Mexico, cannot vote there even if you are "naturalized" (at least, according to their Constitution) and can be jailed for criticizing the government?
We live in a flawed country, sure. But a country that is not exactly to a point of desperation where we need "hope". And particularly, those of us (and I am not one of them) with enough money to be driving around a gas-guzzling luxury sled wearing cashmere sweaters are definitely NOT in need of hope.
I have to admit, I found that concept so flawed, so foul, and so offensive that it has moved me closer to his opponent. Oh, not close enough to actually VOTE for his opponent...but it is getting there. Hope indeed. Well, okay, here is some hope for you; I hope this country is smart enough not to elect him.
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
Hope? Why is that arrogant? Look at the past 8+ years. The economy sucks, the government spies on us and tortures people and holds them in jail without CHARGES indefinitely! We are in trillions of dollars in debt, and when these huge companies get bailed out with our own money, the CEOs still get paid millions (note AIG.) Meanwhile, all of our tax money is paying for wars we are losing, whilst we don't have proper roads, healthcare, etc.
Both parties are to blame for this b.s. And so are we, the American people, for putting up with it.
Personally, I think "hoping" for change is way too mild. We should demand it. Vote for someone, vote for a third-party candidate if you don't like McCain or Obama - but make your voice heard!
I agree with a lot of the things you point out. Sometimes I long for a new candidate altogether, but the political system itself has flaws of it's own. I do think there will be a change regardless of who ends up in office, which is a good thing.
the problem with that is the economy went south only once there became a Democratic Congress. History has shown time and again that the Democrats are bad for the middle class, which makes it even funnier when they trumpet the opposite.
Even worse, the Obama campaign has clearly shown they have no concept of mathematics. Between their promises to obtain health insurance for everyone INCLUDING pre-existing conditions while cutting taxes for the middle class...well, that is a mathematical impossibility. Even more hilarious, I heard an ad today where they said McCain would not cut taxes for the middle class but Obama would cut taxes for the middle class 3 times as much as McCain. Uh...3 times zero is zero, Obama baby. So either you are lying about cutting taxes or you are a mathematical imbecile.
Obama is more of the same. Lies, misrepresentations, government interference, and raising taxes. Mark my words, after he is elected...and I have no doubt in my mind he will Democrat with the possible exception of Hillary...could have lost this will find the same thing we always find; the poor will think they are being helped by the counterproductive welfare system, the middle class will get screwed by worse tax policies and raising middle wage, and the rich will be untouched.
There is one good thing that will come out of it. The landslide victory he has will, if not end, at least slow the cry of "racism" every time someone wants to stir up controversy.
First, Darth - you go, bro! I feared there were no more clear thinkers left! All hyperbole these days - all emotionalism -- all "white guilt" or entitlement or victim-complex... Wow! Thanks for some honest, clear thinking!
For "riot kitty" - have you ever BEEN to a third world country??! Or even second world? THEY could use some hope! Many of them would welcome the opportunity to live in an American gutter as a homeless person. I am NOT exaggerating ONE bit. The economy is not as good as it used to be, and the continued decline is concerning; but on a global scheme it does NOT "suck". Give me a break. "We don't have proper roads"??! I am so not going there. We are losing the war? On what basis? The gov't spies on us? Wow. In what other country can you get away with SO much crime, and if you don't, get sent to a jail that is cushier than most people's homes? (In other countries, that is) Get a grip riot kitty - your emotionalism and entitlement is showing through.
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