It's time for another "Good idea or Guinness World Record?"

"I thought it was going to be kind of cheesy," said Hannah Koch of Prairie Village, who came clad in an elf costume.

That is the sort of line you just can't type with a straight face. What? People wearing elf costumes and the event is going to be cheesy? She later changed her mind about the cheesiness...but I didn't. I think it is just as retarde....err, cheesy as I thought it was when I noted people were showing up wearing elf costumes.

One wonders who does the research on these things. "Well, here we are a local radio station, not nationally syndicated, and we want to do something important. What can we do? We are in the prairies so there will be no whale saving, we care about our listeners so there will be no Hold your Wee for a Wii contest...I know! Let's set a world record! To the library!"

So they consult the Tome of Stupidity, aka the Guiness Book of World Records, hire out a stadium, do some advertising, and now, please, join with me in ignoring...err, congratulating KYYS FM of Kansas City and 1680 morons for simultaneously mangling Smoke on the Water to set the record for most losers with no life...err, most people simultaneously playing the same song in the same place at the same time. I tried that once...I only missed by 1678.

1 comment:

Riot Kitty said...

Hey, who wouldn't want to put that on a resume? ;)