Ninja edit; link now included at NO EXTRA CHARGE!

A friend sent me the following story: I have looked for a link but not found it yet, as soon as I do I will add it for proper crediting purposes; meanwhile, meet me on the other side.

Libot said.
One of the cats that killed Aerts was named Bongo, whom the woman had
adopted under a special program. She paid for Bongo's food, Libot said.
Animal rights group GAIA called for the immediate closure of the zoo,
located 55 miles northeast of Brussels, saying it was unsafe for both
visitors and the cats.
Rudy Demotte, the Belgian minister responsible for animal welfare, sent
a team to investigate.

As was pointed out... "Unfortunately the cheetahs betrayed her trust" speaks volumes about Libot. What did they betray? Cheetas are predators. They hurt things. That is what they do. They were well within their nature to attack someone who INVADED THEIR HOME.
Oh, and GAIA? They are about as bright as Aerts was when she entered the cage. It is very safe for the people who...oh, I don't know...follow the rules? And For the animals as well.
The problem here is people who think Calvin & Hobbes is a realistic portrayal of animal behavior and that the Jungle Book is how the world is.
But in the real world...if you invade an animals' home, be ready to pay the price.

Thanks, Aerts, for providing us with hours of entertainment and an early entry in the potential Darwin Awards 2007 winners.

1 comment:

Riot Kitty said...

Drew: I realized I forgot to send the link right after I sent the it is: