One portion of the fruit of the spirit is self-control. That would lead one to believe that God would like us to control our anger, to behave in calm, rational manners, to deal with setbacks in reasonable ways. Or...
we could be like this guy. He could not find clean underwear. Now, there are several ways to deal with this. Go commando. Wear dirty ones. Purchase new ones. None of those worked. So Ivo decided to start throwing out his old clothes into the yard.
But that wasn't enough for good old Ivo. He went one better. Piqued that his wife never threw anything away, he wanted to make sure she could not bring these clothes back in the house. So he lit them on fire.
Right now dozens of guys are nodding their heads saying "good idea". And how could it not be? It involves flame, destruction, and "getting back at" the wife...
and burning down the house when the flames got out of control.
But least he had a good reason.
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
No clean burn ALL of the underwear, in effect?
Actually he wanted to get in on the bra-burning craze, he was just late and doesn't wear a bra so he thought he'd go one better and take the house with it.
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