Are people really that dumb?

You ever click open your spam folder to make sure nothing important is slipping through the cracks? It is at that point you might start to wonder...who is actually stupid enough to click open the average spam e-mail?

For example, one from sender "Me". 

Hmm. I do not recall sending myself an e-mail, what subject did I use to make sure I would open it?

SALE ID 10806 02% off on Pfizer! Erectile Disfunctions NEWS AN...

Hmm. Tempting. I mean, sure, I always thought Pfizer was a brand of sinks. And I DID give myself 2% off. Sure, I may not have realized previously that I had the ability to give myself discounts at will, but I did e-mail it to myself so it must be true.

But that is not all. There is also news about erectile disfunction, something I am not aware of a problem with, but hey, there is news about it. Ot that is is spelled that way rather than "dysfunction". I think I should click right on this advertisement for sales on sinks and news on an unrelated issue.

Or not, since my brain is still functioning. But lets see what other interesting mail I got.

Oh, here is one from Goetzinger Swiney with the subject oTp Tips for Phenomenal Sex.
Okay, first off, who in their right mind opens an e-mail from "Goetzinger"? Furthermore, a sex-related post involving a goat and pig (swine...swiney...some resemblance I think) holds little interest me even if they HAD bothered to spell "Top" correctly. Hey, at least they had all the right letters and the right one capitalized.

The point remains...a disturbing name, a mis-spelling in the subject. Who on earth is so lacking in intellectual capacity that they would think, "Oh, I have a good idea. I am going to open this virus-spewing piece of garbage"?

I also, or rather "Me" also sent me Don't Answer, But Read- Wellness Resources Newsletter

Now, if I already know the info, why would I send it to myself? I am a busy, busy little guy apparently.

Other fine options include "Explore the Passion Ocean" and the ever-popular, must open title...well, I can't reproduce it because it is in Chinese characters.

The really disturbing part of all this is I get about 50 similar spam e-mails every day. Which indicates they are having success with these. Which in turn indicates someone, somewhere, is opening these.

I think they question is one known to children and parents everywhere, one which has seldom if ever been satisfactorily been answered but which remains a burning question on the tip of every tongue; Why?


listen for azure said...

I think you should go a step further on the questionable email from Swiney and ask yourself if the virus it has tried to send you is, indeed, swine flu. The miracles of technology...

Riot Kitty said...

Thank you for making me laugh out loud with Goetzinger Swiney and his tips for phenomenal sex!!

K-Rod said...

Just look at the subject title...

Gain inches

Lose inches

JLee said...

The funny thing is, why do I get emails about enlarging my penis?

Anonymous said...

oh wow... you have a talent for getting sarcasm across quite well in written form. :) I just delete all my spam stuff... unless someone specifically tells me they are sending me something and to look for it...