News flash; an actual New Years Resolution!

I seldom make New Years resolutions. I find them to be a waste of time. Why wait to make a change if there is one you see that needs changed? As a "New Years Resolution" it is easy to let go. 

First time something goes wrong, it is like, "Oh, there goes my New Years' Resolution. Oh, well, maybe next year."

Conversely, a change you make when it occurs to you because you know it needs to be made is one that you are more likely to be invested in the success of. It does not depend on an artificial date on a calendar, it depends on your will power.

So the long and short of it is that I cannot remember the last time I made a New Years Resolution. 

So this year I am breaking that.

I am going to commit to writing one page a day on a brand new work that has been stewing around in the back of my mind. This will not detract from my various other writings, it is a new project that will simply be up here on the humble blog for people to enjoy, complain about, comment on, or contribute to. 

So when you see a page a day...that is why. Sorry. Nothing I can do about it. The New Years Resolution Gnome made me do it.


Riot Kitty said...

I think it's great! Why are you apologizing? There are a lot of people in print who should be apologizing...

Al said...

You should be apologizing...where's my dumb humor and random crazy links. :D Is this the current book you're working on or a new one?