So, uh...notice anything unusual about that guy?

I wasn't there, so the entire following conversation is pure conjecture. 

Guy 1: "Hey, what happened to the 24" tv that used to be on that stand?"
Guy 2: "Wow, it is missing. Did we sell it?"
1: No, that is why I asked where it was.
Guy 3: Weird. That reminds me of something I saw earlier. Didn't think much of it at the time but now I wonder if it might apply to this situation.
1: Which situation?
3: The tv that was stolen.
2" You are right, it might. What did you see?
3: A guy with no arms had a tv strapped to his body and walked out the door.

1 & 2 (together) :You mean we had a tevee stolen by an armless bandit? That is worse than Vegas and their one-armed bandits!

1 comment:

Riot Kitty said...

Regarding that last line: yes, you would like a spanking!!