Dangerous neighborhood

Wow. Today there was yellow tape surrounding an apartment complex. turns out it is the third murder in about a 4 block radius in the last week. Less than 13 blocks from our house.

Something is not right about that. What is going on in the area? Is it going to spread? I am not normally a nervous person, and things like that don't bother me. I suspect it is not random occurrences but, for so many in such a small area, it has to be some sort of targeted thing, right?

Then again, times seem to be getting a bit crazier. People maybe getting meaner? The other night after the Blazer game, I saw not one but two fights. Inside a block. Both over collisions, sort of. One was someone who parked with their bumper touching another guys' bumper. Seriously. 

The other was a guy screaming obscenities at the other guy about, "I have to at least look at it!" while vehicles 5 or 6 spots behind honked, even though the light was red and they weren't going anywhere.

Are people in general getting angrier and more violent? Is that violence becoming more random? Maybe there is something to the idea of locking multiple locks on every door for safety. Maybe I am too unconcerned with random people. 

I like to think they won't get any closer. Or, for that matter, feel the necessity to kill more people. 

But it makes me wonder. 


Riot Kitty said...

Yikes - that is creepy. At least you don't work at Wal-mart.

Goose said...

Just a correction. It was the 3rd murder in the last three weeks. But still just as scary!!!