My time to whine

Now, as a general rule I do not moan and complain about not getting my way or things going poorly. I am going to make an exception here. I am going to do nothing but whine and moan and complain.

It is all so unfair. For months...MONTHS....MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!! I fought the stupid cold. Could not sleep because I could not breathe. Had a headache for weeks at a time. I tried the medications. I got stuff prescribed. The medications are a joke, they did not touch me. No sleep, feeling ill for months on end. And it finally went away in mid May. For the first time since like November I felt good.

And it is smurfing back. I can barely breath. I can feel it getting worse as the day progresses. The pressure is building in my forehead, it feels hot even though I am shivering from the neck down.

I am so freaking sick of being sick all the time, of never feeling well or "right", of constantly having issues breathing and/or sleeping. Yeah, I am whining, so what? Why me? Not sure how much more of this I can handle.

1 comment:

Riot Kitty said...

That fucking sucks. You deserve to whine.