My elbow is leaking something

Back in one of my first "real" jobs I was working at a small local fast-food establishment. It was, as is typical, nothing but a starter job. Perfect for high school students looking for extra cash, that sort of thing.

Well, anyone who has worked in fast food can tell you horror stories of full grease traps being spilled, of other grease traps over flowing, and so forth. There is a LOT of grease that moves through these places, even the ones that brag about never-frozen beef. So every night the grills have to be scrubbed clean.

There are a variety of ways to do that. Various abrasive cleansers, perhaps water, some places use oil...but all require some significant effort on the part of the human doing the cleaning. Because I am me I always took pride in leaving behind a bright, shiny grill you could see your reflection in. Not everyone did.

One young lady, who we shall call Smurfette, had some issues one night when trying to clean the grill. So she went to the night manager and said, "I can't get the grill clean." The reply was simple and apropos: "Use some elbow grease, Smurfette."

So our heroine...a young, slender, attractive blond cheerleader with about as many functioning brain cells as a spork...went back on grill and said, "Jim, where do I find the elbow grease?"

Is there anything better than working around people who make comedy so easy?

1 comment:

Riot Kitty said...

Sadly enough, I have heard a similar story from someone who worked in a kitchen!