"My dad was at the Nuremberg Trials where evidence of "Crimes against
humanity" were presented. It left a very lasting impression on my dad..
to the point that he avoided going back to Germany 50 years later (when
Jan and I lived in Germany). I also visited Dachau with a Jewish
friend of mine. He found one of his relatives in the pictures
displayed, which was taken when they were liberated. The rest of his
family did not survive."
Doug Delany
This was something written in the "reply to all" function of the e-mail someone sent me linking me to the Times article I wrote about yesterday. Sometimes it is easy to forget how close to home these things hit. But hey, for those who want to be "offended" by it...and it is interesting the fear is of offending Muslims who were not even involved...why would they be offended?
It was the Germans who are blamed for it, though much of the work was done by non-Germans...if you research the story, it is a terrible one indeed. Jews would do a lot of the work themselves to "keep it from getting worse". How much worse could it be? They were ripped from their homes, branded, stripped of possessions, freedom, identity, dignity and life. Read Corrie Tenboom's The Hiding Place to see how bad it could be. She talks about being thankful for the live and bedbugs because where those were worst it kept the girls from being raped while waiting for their turn being gassed by their own people working in concert with their captors. Even worse, where was most of the killing done? Hint: Not in Germany. And not by the Germans.
Note, this does not excuse the Germans who initiated, directed, and participated in the campaign. Without the Germans there would be no "Final Solution".
But it also does not excuse those who participated in it at the behest of the Germans.
And either way you look at it...it was not the Muslims doing it. Sure, they hate the Jews...but so much that they deny history?
I guess, in light of their changing of the teachings of Mohammad from the bloody thing they truly are to " a message of peace", which eludes the Koran if you bother to read it, then yeah...they would be offended by a true telling of history.
And that I find offensive.
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
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