Okay, one good thing

I say a lot of negative things about the integrity of cops. Not as many as they deserve...but still a lot of things. I sometimes wonder who is more dishonest and lacking in integrity...cops or politicians. But sometimes you need an exception to prove the rule.

For example, Wisconsin Police Chief Richard Knoebel who, after illegally passing a schoolbus with its lights flashing went ahead and ticketed himself. He did the crime, he did the time. And he did it on the honor system. Nobody would have ever known had he not. We would have attributed it to the typical "cops act as if they are above the law...and they usually are" mentality that so often exists. I see cops break traffic laws all the time...speeding, running lights, California stops, using their lights to get through lights...it is nice to see someone I actually might think is not just in a position of power and authority but is trustworthy.

This is a "well done" that, unlike 99% of them I lay out here...this one is not sarcastic. I genuinely mean it when I say "Well done, Mr. Knoebel. The world needs more people like you."


Riot Kitty said...

But the question is, why did he run it in the first place? Or was he just thinking of PR? ;)

Unknown said...

Wow, that is pretty cool. Indeed worthy of a "well done". Let's hope other officials follow the example.