No, not the kind of love where you get her attention by ramming her car...even truer!
Married mother of three, great career (experienced astronaut), and raging libido wasn't just that Nowak drove 650 miles in her disguise, pepper sprayed her rival for a married guy, had a bb gun and pepper spray, trenchcoat,, there is a much better way she demonstrated her love. Sure, those are emblamatic of were her love letter to the dude.
But what really shows her love is her choice to wear adult diapers for the drive so she would not have to stop to pee.
How exactly does the internal monologue go on this? "Hmm...I have young twin girls, a teenage boy and a husband...and my coworker is married with 2 kids of his own...but I think he likes a third woman more than me. Well...the best thing I can do is put some materials in my car to make it look like I am planning to hide a body and drive a few hundred miles to talk to the, not the guy I am infatuated with....the woman I think he is interested in more than, not his wife he has two kids with...the OTHER woman. But I don't want it to take too I will wear adult diapers to save time. No stopping at rest areas...if I have to pee I will just unleash! Going inside when I stop to eat would just take too long.
So does it go when she is needing to pee? pee....rising. Must...pee. Okay, no problem, I have adult diapers. Besides, I kinda like that warm, sticky feeling as the urine drips into my diapers. And the aroma is just heavenly! I am sure nobody will notice...
Something tells me she has a divorce in her future. And I somehow foresee no happy ending involving 2 broken homes...
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
This is just NASTY.
Nowak told police she did not intend to physically harm Ms Shipman - and "only wanted to scare her into talking with her".
"If you were just going to talk to someone I don't know that you would need a wig, a trenchcoat, an air cartridge BB gun and pepper spray," Sergeant Barbara Jones said.
....Boy, ya think?
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