The importance of education

I will admit to guilt in some things. For example, I never took algebra seriously because it was nothing I would ever need in every day life. Some people apparently never take literacy tests as evidenced by their pushing through doors marked "Do not Enter" and impede my progress in exiting the building...well, they would if I didn't just run over them with my shopping cart, but that is beside the point. Clearly they never thought reading was fundamental...

Well, now we learn about a woman who thought math was not needed. Not even counting. Let's see, I parked on floor 10, so I can take off when I reach the ground....10, 9, 8, 6, 4 here I go....

Yup, she launched herself off the 4th floor. Well done, chica.

1 comment:

Riot Kitty said...

This reminds me of that Far Side comic strip of the Midvale School for the Gifted, where the student is pushing on a door that says "pull."