At least we know it wasn't me...

I don't know where he got the joke...knowing Dad, it might be original, borrowed, re-written...and the odds that even he knows at this point are Ally McBeal....(rather slim for those too young to get the "joke"....perhaps I should have said Nicole Richie, that 85 pound titan)

anyway, the group would be singing and between songs he would do some patter that included, "Whew! It is getting ripe up here. Someone's deodorant gave out. I know it wasn't mine cause I ain't wearing any."

I thought it was funny then, I stold it and use it and think it is funny now.

Apparently, these girls agree with the sentiment. How do I know? They put on so much deodorant they actually set off a fire alarm with it!

1 comment:

Riot Kitty said...

That's a good argument for organic personal care products!