If you enjoy watching train wrecks...

then this is for you. Remember Milli Vanilli? The lyp synchers to such monstrous hits as "Blame it On the Rain" and "Girl, You Know It's True"? It has always amazed me how people would enjoy the music but suddenly when they found it wasn't sung by who they thought it was sung by, they retroactively lost their enjoyment. Isn't that like enjoying a food for 5 or 6 years, finding out it isn't what you thought it was, saying you did not enjoy it and divorcing your wife?

I am one of the few, the proud, the people who, to this day, when I hear Milli Vanilli on the radio or somewhere else, I still enjoy them. What I am not sure of is that I enjoy them enough to dedicate two hours of my life to watching a movie about them....

1 comment:

Riot Kitty said...

I saw a story about this earlier...are studios running out of material?