There is an important case going on right now that is a travesty. How is it possible in this country where someone can be found civilly liable for a crime they were found legally innocent of, how in this country where someone could publicly, under oath, perjure themselves and face no real penalties (oh no! he can no longer use the license to practice law he hasn't used in a decade! horror of horrors!) while having every possible excuse offered by his defenders as to why it wasn't important.
Well, if perjury isn't prosecutable then how is Libby? The more I think about it the more irked I am that this case is wasting our court's time. If (more likely when since he clearly does not have Orenthal or Clinton's lawyers) he is convicted I surely hope Bush's pardon follows the gavel coming down so quick they don't even cuff him to take him away.
Justice, right and wrong, these things are irrelevant. The only relevant part is precedent and that is quite clear. Honesty, integrity, and the law itself mean nothing. You just can't prosecute this type stuff anymore and hope to draw anything other than derision or a laugh. And I don't feel like laughing at the moment.
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
1 comment:
"Theyargue the case boiled down to the credibility of two men: Mr Libby and Tim Russert, an NBC talk show host and one of the most respected Washington journalists"
Interesting, apparently Libby has no respectability worth mentioning. However, Tim Russert - a guy whose livelihood depends on controversy whether real or manufactured - does have that kind of respect.
Incidentally, "respected Washington journalists" is one of the funniest things I have heard in a while.
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