I may have to sue a co-worker

There we were, innocently working along when he thoughtlessly let loose an "It is like a circus!" blast.
Naturally, I looked up in excitement and anticipation. Soon I would be watching clowns making balloons in uncanny shapes, other clowns in huge numbers climbing out of tiny cars, elephants balancing precariously on small balls, trapeze artists floating through the air, performing amazing acrobatic feats, other people riding horseback in ways that amaze and astound, rings of fire, blades of steel, music, fun...
And what I got was nothing. No clowns. No elephants, horses, tigers, bears. Not a single scantily clad trapeze artist with toned legs of steel and a face that looks like it struck those legs a few times too many...no balloons, nothing. There was no circle.
I am starting to think he lied. This is nothing like a circus. Unless you count the trained monkees, I do see a few of those...

1 comment:

Riot Kitty said...

He needs a spanking, clearly ;)