As normal for me, I take a non-traditional stance on this issue. I applaud the court for admitting that evidence is evidence. The knock or lack thereof on the door does not change what is found. As for it swinging things too far in favor of a police state type approach, there is a very simple, equitable and fair solution for that. Prosecute the crime of illegal entry by the police. Sure, let the evidence be BOTH trials. That of the criminals...and also the evidence they found when they entered the house.
Why are police immune from prosecution when they break the law in pursuit of lawbreakers? The logic of that eludes me.
As for Breyer...his argument that it ignores precedent is weak minded, weak willed, and flat out stupid. After all, if wrong precedent wasn't ignored, Brown v Board of Education would have been found in favor of Education. Roe V. Wade would have had a different resolution, and that is indubitably a cause close to his heart. Precedent does not equal accurate, equitable or anything of the kind. Even moreso precedent in cases like this where a 5-4 decision is now looked back at. By show of hands, how many people expect Breyer to follow this precedent in future cases? None? What a shock.
So yeah, off the anti-precedent rant and back to my initial point: I believe it is the right decision to allow the evidence, but I believe at the same time the individuals who break the law in acquiring that evidence should then be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
The foundational idea of "justice" in this country is that we do things the "right way". We follow the law in apprehending those who break the law. We prosecute all crimes equally regardless of heredity or monetary status of those who break the law. That is one reason the innocent verdicts in the OJ trial, the Wagner trial, the Jackson trial, the Clinton trial, the North trial were so disheartening. A feeling has come over the country that you can commit felonies from perjury to murder to sodomy without fear as long as you have enough money to buy your freedom. Once more we have the King's perogative in effect. And that needs to change. The first thing to change is to make sure we start prosecuting the criminals. All of them. Even if they wear a badge.
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
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