I remember a trip we took down to "beautiful" Glendale. I don't recall who all went...there were several of us...but I do remember Pam telling me to make sure Court stayed safe. "No problem," I glibly replied.
I lied.
We had a good trip down, lots of jokes and fun. Presently we spent a couple days in Glendale and on the second day, someone suggested we go out and ride the quads. A less likely group of quad riders you will seldom see. Nobody particularly adventurous in the group, no rough and ready unshaven wooly mountain men (or women), nobody who looked like they had even ridden a bicycle for years upon years. So naturally, we all thought, hey, quads, what could be a better idea?
I, being conscientious, strolled out to look at the area we would be riding. It was a huge, open field that circled a railroad company house. There was no reason whatsoever to get within a hundred yards of the house and the only other obstacle was a largish but shallow mud puddle. In other words, for a group of neophyte quad riders, it was perfect.
So we went out and started riding around and around, cranking the machines all the way up to maybe 10 or 15 miles per hour. In other words, nobody was going very fast. In fact, at one point Courteney braved the mud puddle, but braved it so slowly that the engine flooded from being under water too long. Getting it going again was...interesting. Not fun, but funny.
But at least that was the only possible difficulty we would encounter in our afternoon's ride. At least, you would think it would be. You would think wrong.
I took a turn on one of the quads, enjoyed a couple trips around the field, and started counting heads. One was missing. Started doing a mental checklist. Who was missing?
Courteney. Of all the people who could be missing, it had to be Court. Now, if you know Pam, you know allowing anything to happen to one of her children is akin to signing your death warrant. So I was a little nervous. So we all set out to find Court. We started with the obvious...a large, wide circle around this giant field we had been riding around for the last few hours.
And we found her...pinned against the building in the center of the field. Somehow, with hundreds of yards to work with, she managed to find a way to cut off almost the entire area and lodge her leg firmly between the building and the machine.
To this day I do not know how that was possible. I could not have clipped the building that closely if I had tried and done it deliberately.
There is a lesson to be learned from this. Sadly, I have no clue what it was.
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
how did this come up? You need to write something funny now...perhaps about a goat ;)
Would you like some diet grapes?
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