When the first movie in the series came out, I took to calling it "Harry the Pothead with his Sorcerers Stoned", a name I still posit would be outstanding for a band. Be that as it may, who knew that it was ALSO a source of inspiration for science. Glad to know my childhood dream of owning a real cloak of invisibility can be a reality thanks to scientists finding inspiration in a Harry Potter movie/book.
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
Pretty cool. However, this isn't a new idea. A group back in the early mid 90's proposed the same type of thing. I don't recall the 'exact' mothodology, so it might be different, but it was the same concept. On a related note, I read a couple years ago (I think it was actually in '03) that the military was working on cloaking technology for it's vehicles. It was slightly less complex though. It was supposed to work by using cameras on the surface of the vehicle to broadcast an image onto the surface of the far side. I didn't hear how that turned out though. It sounds like it would produce a rather poor invisibility effect though. Might work to hide from sattelites and other long range reconnasance(sp?) though.
Oh, and why get the inspiration from Harry Pot Head? Have these guys never read a sci-fi story before?
hey, I thought this was neat! Think of how many sporks one could hide under such a cloak...
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