The writer was blocked

Since I am on Spring Break, I thought I would spend some time working on the Trilogy this week. Taking a break from all academia for a Spanish, actually passing on the opportunity to indulge in a week of research for Dreamcatchers...just want to do something fun. So over the weekend I knocked off a half dozen books I have been meaning to read, than sat...or rather, tried to sit down, to work on the trilogy.
I went back and read most of what I have down...and, with the exception of some HORRIBLE dialogue that really needs retooled, I am happy with the book so far. The characters seem engaging, likable, the action drew me in...I know, I wrote the stuff, I should like it, but I don't always...sometimes I go back and read stuff I have written and just want to hurl it is so bad...but this I like.
Problem is, now I am at a point where I need J'red to become a little bit less likable...okay, I need him to be a jerk, but for people to retain the liking they had for him up to this point. I once had this scene written...but I lost those pages. And now I can't rewrite it. I keep making him too mean when I want arrogant, too harsh and without redeeming features. I am not sure if I am pressing or if it is just something that does not need to happen. Oh, well. Tonight we will take another shot at it. Any of you who have read what I have are more than welcome to chime in.

1 comment:

Riot Kitty said...

hey, I'll chime in if you let me read it!