"Gunman called 'respectful'"
For the last couple days, people have been reporting on the minister's wife who was "quiet and unassuming" and "seemed very nice" or "seemed very sweet".
Nor is this a new phenomenon. There seems to be some rule in news reporting that murderers and killers have to have something good said about them. Why? Does it take away the horror of what they have done?
Call me crazy, but to me plugging your husband with the kids in the other room smacks of neither sweetness nor niceness. Loading up on shotguns and whacking six people at a "zombie rave", whatever the smurf that is, does not seem particularly respectful. "Excuse me, could you guys line up so I can blast you with this here scattergun? Hey,, the other Tommy, the one with the bottle in hand and bllodshot eyes...your toga will hold a lot of splatter, could you come join the group? Great, thanks...okay, hold it while I use the gun sights like a camera lense, make sure you are all in the picture so to, you all let me know if my tone of voice isn't polite or something, because even though I am about to gun you down, the first thing I want people to think of when they think of me is how respectful I am."
Instead of painting every killer as nice and respectful, lets focus on what they did. Instead of thinking you have to say something good about everyone, admit sometimes people have a screw loose.
You know what? I know a lot of people and I cannot think of a one of them I could conceive of actually killing someone. And that includes the people I don't like. It is almost always a surprise when someone does something stupid like that. Get over it. Yeesh. Can you imagine the media coverage of Hitler?
"Well, he seemed a little strange with that funky upper lip mustache, but was generally nice. He seemed like he cared about his country." Or the second interviewee. "I am very surprised. He was a very religious man and very involved in community affairs."
Enough already. I never want to read anothre report where the killer is so sickeningly nice there is no way he could have killed anyone.
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
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