A typical motel conversation

If you are anything like me, you are obsessive about checking any given motel room to see if you have left anything behind...I have been known to check every dresser drawer...even though I never opened them. I check all the drawers in any tv cabinets, dressers, nightstands...even though I never open them. I check and recheck the bathroom, closets...I want to make sure I am not inadvertently leaving behind something I have forgotten about.

Of course, before I do that, I have already checked to make sure everything important is in hand before I leave the room.

Car keys? Check.
Glasses? Check.
Glass eye? Ah, smurf, I left it in the hotel room along with the urn holding grandma's ashes...

Seriously, how do you leave behind a glass eye? Or a suitcase full of jewels?

Do they not realize when they get to Denny's that they are having issues chewing those hockey pucks because they left their teeth back in the room?

Or best yet...how do you walk to the car when you left your artificial leg in the room? I would think at some point you would notice your balance was a little bit off. Apparently, there was one thing left in a lot of those hotel rooms that was not mentioned in the article...functioning brain cells.

1 comment:

Riot Kitty said...

Yuck! But funny!