On a happier note...

My middle brother is having a birthday this weekend and, upon being informed he was turning 27, the Goose said, "I remember when he was so young!"

I started laughing and said, "How long have I known you?"

She answered with the month and year to which I said, "What time?"

She looked at me quizzically. "What do you mean?"

"What time was our first date?"

She got a big smile, said not only the date, month, and year, but what day of the week it was (!) and how it was "the best day ever of my life, I had so much fun!" and then came the ultimate.

She looked at me, said, "I don't know if I've told you, but I have thought it. Now that I know you, to know you drove across town in rush hour traffic to see me makes it even more special". 

Bwoohahaha, someone who knows how I feel about traffic! Now, if only I could send the people who get in my way when driving over to Pheromone Girl for directions...


Riot Kitty said...

That is so cute!

listen for azure said...

Hey! Wait a minute! I'm cute when I'm lost!!!!

Happy birthday to your bro!

Anonymous said...

awwwwwww! thats sweet! !