How You Doin'?

I was messing around with some video and photos. Obviously they were NOT shot with top quality machines and the editing...well, it can use some work. But hey...this seems like fun anyway, no?

The team is How You Doin' (HYD), a group of players pulled together off Craigslist. The idea is to have fun and socialize more than to win...and socialize we did. Often.

I am looking for a sound clip of Joey Tribiane (Matt leBlanc) from Friends saying, "How you doin'?" to kick this off when (if) I ever get around to finalizing this. If you have one I could use...let me know. Meanwhile, enjoy.


JLee said...

I think it's fun! Good job. Are you in any shots?

Darth Weasel said...

Yeah, I am in the outfield once, holding a clipboard once, and in the group photo. For the most part, though, he who holds the camera avoids the shots...