From time to time I hear horror stories of the difficulties of getting good employees at some of our...uh...less desirable jobs. Such as working at fast food restaurants. As an aside...why are they still called restaurants? As a frequent purveyor of their not-exactly-fine products I can tell you...there is a big difference between say...McDonalds and Fuddruckers, between Taco Bell and Chevys....and I would not exactly classify either Fuddruckers or Chevys as "fine dining." I would, however, classify Fuddruckers as being the source of a favorite anecdote.
We were at a church camp. I should preface this by saying it is...well...a very conservative church camp. Words such as "dang" and "heck" are just as verboten as the words they are euphemisms for. And there were a LOT of preachers there...usually 20 - 30. Since Dad was a preacher, yeah, I was present for a lot of interesting and, I would argue, valuable conversations.
Once there were 10 - 15 guys involved in a conversation. It was pretty long and some men would come and go, sometimes 2 or 3 times during the conversation. As they were talking I walked by with my girlfriend at the time, Christy, and with her Mom. We were talking about hamburger places and Vickie mentioned Fuddruckers. 2 things happened when she mentioned it. First, the preacher's conversation had one of those bizarre lulls which always seem to occur when something bad is about to happen. Second, Vickie changed a couple of unfortunate letters in Fuddruckers...namely, the "F" and the first "R".
Yeah, I thought it was funny.
Not as funny as filling out a job application at the place I am about to rob, but still pretty funny.
So here is a question; you know he will show up on time and work hard, would you hire the guy?
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
"This one time, at church camp..." lol
I like Fuddruckers and I think someone should rethink that name for sure, and that is about the stupidest criminal I have heard of yet!
We went to Fuddruckers for the first time when I was 6 or so, and even THEN I knew the name was fucked up.
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