The Frogfather

Some movies have long confused me as to why people love them so much. One fine example would be The Godfather (1972). It is considered a masterpiece to the point where very few people dispute its placement on any "top x movies" list, whether that list is 25 or 100.

But a closer look at it might call it into question. The "heroes" of the piece are evil men by virtually any definition you can come up with. They lie, steal, kill, blackmail, harass, intimidate...their modus operandi is corruption personified. Even Michael enters his role as Godfather by slaying his enemies in a bloodbath of epic proportions.

On the other hand, vastly under rated comics exist. Take, for example, Kermit the Frog. What does Kermit have to do with the Godfather? Mostly, this...

1 comment:

Riot Kitty said...

You're back!!! hooray!!!!!!!!!