What's most important to you?

I can think of a few things I might kill another person for. If someone was threatening harm to my family they would be taking their life in their hands if, by killing them, I might prevent it. I suppose there is enough latent hostility within me to have a fit of rage that got out of control and took someone out. I like to think not, but I suppose it is remotely possible.

But the one thing that is sure death is if someone has the temerity to walk across my lawn after I tell them not to.

Okay, so maybe not me...but as stupid as I find Martin, how much dumber must the jury be? He waited around 3 hours with a gun he had loaded for the express purpose of killing Larry Mugrave Jr. and they "could not agree the killing was planned"?

Maybe next time he can leave blue prints.

He must have known his time with his lawn was over. I wonder if he still thinks it was worth it?

1 comment:

Riot Kitty said...

We talked about this at work today - what a sick motherfucker.