Government the way it ought to be

If there was one place, just one place you could locate any given government office, where would it be? Let's play word association:

Senate: Jail. Preferably death row.
House of Representatives: jail. Preferably death row.
President: jail. Preferably death row.
Supreme Court: jail. preferably death row.
Police: Jail. Preferably death row.

I think you get the point. Pretty much in this country ever since FDR we have been on a downward spiral of abuse of authority. Some might argue Teddy Roosevelt was more guilty although he often gets a free pass for his reasons, expanding National Parks. Others might put it on Woodrow Wilson and events surrounding the Great War. Still others would choose Lincoln, Jackson, or even Jefferson...ironically, Jefferson might choose Jefferson but he overcame his objections to his own actions to make the Louisiana Purchase, which he believed unConstitutional, happen. So maybe a better place than jail would be an insane asylum.

Well, one government institution has decided that is the correct place for it...The Department of Homeland Security. Looks like they got this one right...

1 comment:

Riot Kitty said...

I think it's quite appropriate ;)