in my previous post I mentioned an e-mail that, by the time it reached me, had 519 signatures on it. That indicates that something around 500 people (a cursory examination of this, like all such chain Internet "sign me" petitions, showed numerous cases that leads one to believe one spouse/friend/lover is signing for another which lessens the credibility. is just a list of names. There is A state listed...but what politician is going to respond to what is really nothing but a list of 1000 random names? Short answer...none. Long answer; if s/he was smart enough to get elected once, s'he is probably smart enough to realize these documents are devoid of any real meaning and with no political clout.
With that said, these e-mails do seem to all have the same e-mail address:
I suspect that is an address in the FBI basement where they log all the people who sign these and put them on watch lists: "Potential political activist".
Either that or it enters the Internet version of a paper shredder or document recycler. Kind of like the garbage can we have for junk mail at my apartment...thing fills every day with mail that nobody looks at.
So let's try an experiment....let's all send SOMETHING to that address and see if we get a response. I think I might send my previous rant about the e-mail about "possible"s. Let me know if you get a response.
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
1 comment:
I'm pretty sure all govt. offices send autoresponses...
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