That is a classic sales adage. When you make the sale if you continue to talk you take the risk of losing the sale when you say too much and unconvince them. Sometimes the same is true when you DON'T make the sale. Just say, sorry, can't help you and be done with it. Or you could e-mail an over the top conceivably offensive message, get yourself fired, get people in an uproar over something that they think could conceivably happen even though it hasn't been threatened and make the news.
Like the (former) employee of a business I will not name here that, when a soldier in Iraq queried about the possibility of purchasing their product had a few choices and made the wrong one. Instead of saying, "I am sorry, we cannot provide that service at this time" he had to take it further and make other comments.
In our personal lives...good job. If you believe something, stand up and say it. That is your privilege, your right, and I might even argue your duty to do. That is one reason you sometimes see pro-Christianity material on here, as but one example. However...keep your work life separate.
Especially if you are working for a Muslim owned business in the U.S. and you elect to lambast a soldier serving in Iraq.
The employee was fired. That should end the matter. And so far as I have heard, nobody has threatened the owners...but the thought someone might immediately rose as a real possibility because just as this meathead went over the line it is not inconceivable that chowderheads at the other end of the spectrum might ignore the fact the ONLY connection this Muslim family has with Iraq is religious...they are Pakistanis, not Iraquis, Afghanis, Iranians, Saudis, etc....and wreak vengeance for a perceived slight.
I am happy that has not happened and hope it doesn't...but the immediate assumption it would says something about the way politics have gone.
Going off on a tangent, mark my words...whichever party "wins" the White House next, there will be brought up the possibility of impeachment. It is going to take, dare I say it, another Reagan type President, someone who manages to transcend the office, to restore the dignity and respectability to the office before the impeachment talk stops. Because just as in the poorly chosen e-mail, once something happens the reaction must be an overreaction and no slight will go un-vengeanced.
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
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