In my world, Grandma would be banned forever

There are certain things you just don't do. One of those is interfere with a parent disciplining their kid, no matter how bad it gets. Another would be threatening to get the kid taken away.

It will be a long, long, long time before I forget how it was in Denver. My partner at work and his wife, Rich and Kim, bought into the psychobabble crap about "reasoning" with their little hellion and giving him "time outs" when he misbehaved....

Wait, what am I saying "when he misbehaved"....I am trying to remember a time he no small part due to his upbringing. A typical session would go like this. The brat....err, child would do something bad. They would tell him to go to his room for a time out. He would yell and scream and go jump on the sofa. They would try to reason with him, including but not limited to explaining the time out he was on but ignoring was going to be longer...even though he was ignoring it. Uhm....okay.

Essentially their "discipline" was something that had me collapsing (internally) in gales of laughter. They were being outsmarted by a 4 year old...he already knew that lengthening a punishment he refused to accept was about as meaningful as a UN resolution....and even better, they were being abused by him because their "discipline" of "reasoning" with him meant he did what, when, and how he wanted.

Like it or not, little kids can learn their "boundaries" quickly and effectively. Aaron de Bruyn did the right thing. And no, you will NEVER convince me that "a swat on the diapered bottom" is in any way, shape, or form child abuse. I will tell you what IS abuse: the grandmother threatening to have the baby taken away. Grandma is lucky she got a warning. If anyone ever tried that with me they would be out the door immediately and would not be allowed back in the house. Ever. Nor would I allow the child contact with them. You don't threaten to destroy a family because you have bought into the cheap, horrible advice of the pop culture psyche morons that are doing their best to destroy any semblance of family fabric that is left in this nation.

I guess the tasering may have been over the top...but I guarantee you if Grandma presses charges and I were the de Bruyn's it would be the last contact she ever had with any of them. Here is hoping she has a heart attack and dies a painful, drawn out death and the same to others trying to destroy parental rights and duties towards discipline. We have more than enough kids raised on this nonsensical "reasoning/time-out" structure and don't need any more of the misbehaving little brats (and despite the attempted pop culture promulgation of and admiration for bad behavior as evidenced by popular toys such as the Bratz line, it is NOT good thing) running around.

Shame on you Grandma. I hope you come to your senses and hope the community rallies around de Bruyn. It is way past time to stop calling discipline abuse and abuse discipline. I tell you right now, de Bruyn's child has a far better chance of never landing in jail than Rich's kid...because their methods of child discipline clearly illustrate that in Rich's case...that was true abuse.

1 comment:

Riot Kitty said...

Hey, I didn't find the article - it's been replaced by one about a naked jogger!