Pretty funn stuff. Last night in class we were discussing the levels of taxation in Europe, Canada, and the United States and someone mentioned how effective a certain Senator was because he had attained 250 million dollars or some such number in Federal tax dollars for some program in his home state. And everyone was complimentary and wished their Senator could do the same.
Here is a news flash....your state already HAD that money. Where do you think the money comes from for all these massive Federal grants? From taxes. They take the money and redistribute it. A few states get more than they were taxed for, a few states get less.
One reason I vote against every, and I mean every tax request, bond measure, whatever it is, is for this reason. I receive back in goods and services less for my taxes than I put in. My tax money goes to continue overfunding the schools...and that is not a typo, I genuinely believe the schools are after study shows that as schools receive more money, they waste more money while continuing to ignore basic needs such as up to date text books...but they will purchase new (and unneeded) maintenance repair vehicles as I personally watched twice inside of ten years...each maintenance guy received a new truck complete with all the bells and whistles and new sets of tools, even though they generally traveled together. So 5 guys, needing, per their own words, at MOST 2 trucks, twice in a ten year period watched close to 300,000 on equipment. That, also by their own admission, they did not need. Why was this done? I quote; "You know how it is...if we don't spend all our money, we can't say we didn't have enough next year."
Lo and behold, on that year's bonds would be one for school maintenance. Huh. Did not see that one coming.
But back to my point, the governement takes money it does not need to run basic goods and services, then gives it back as a lump sum to the very people it took that money from in the first place...except, instead of choosing what to spend it on, now you are TOLD what it will be spent on. And people are ECSTATIC about it. Idiots.
Less taxes is good. Less government spending is good. I get so tired of hearing about the wonders of universal health care in Canada, Switzerland, and a handful of other countries. Would those be the same systems that have the running "joke", "Yeah, the surgery is free, you just have to survive the waiting room." because of the waits that often stretch to months or even years for even life-saving surgeries...never mind getting care for something like a broken foot or a less severe illness.
Here is the problem; all that costs money, and when everyone is covered regardless of contribution, larger numbers of people do not contribute, becoming nothing but drains on the system and, by so doing, lowering the standards for everyone.
Now, it would be wonderful if we lived in a world where everyone had everything they needed and wanted. It would be fantastic if people were responsible and worked to contribute regardless of whether they could receive the benefits without so doing.
We are not in that world. We are in a world where people opt out of working knowing they will get food stamps. We live in a world where some people deliberately sabotage their own attempts to get a job so they can continue living off the system. I am talking about people who show up to interviews at jewelry stores in ripped out jean shorts and half-shirts with "Porn Star" across the chest, people who interview and tell the interviewer they won't even consider working anything other than premium hours and will accept no less than mid-teen dollars per work in a mall. We have people who keep popping out illegitimate children knowing the state will feed and clothe and shelter them better than many hardworking people.
As a result, innocent people get hit in the blow back. People who legitimately want to work and are seeking it get painted, unfairly I might add, with the same brush as the good for nothings who breed such resentment about a system that takes hard earned money from me to give to the chowder head who wants to spend his days fishing and playing frisbee so he can eat...well, not to be a hard-smurf, but I resent every penny that goes to him. And people like him. And just because it is "Federalyl funded" doesn't confuse me. That money came from taxes I paid.
Must be something in the air today. I am not saying this as clearly as I would like, but basically this is an anti-government programs rant, fueled by my anger at the ridiculous whines of the butt heads in New York who are crying at not getting as much money this year as they did last year. I have two things to say to them; give me back the tax money you ripped from me for the riculous 216 million for last year...and wwwwaaaaaggggggghhhhh. Shut the smurf up, New York. Maybe next time the planes will hit you harder.
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
1 comment:
What!?! A wwwwaaaaaggggggghhhhh? Nobody told me about this. When did you become an ork? (I probably need to mention that this is a reference to Warhammer 40k.)
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