So Tuesday I went to watch my favorite non-regular show, Last Comic Standing. I eagerly anticipated its arrival to the point where I actually was distracted from my paper on the politics of deployment of the German military since World War II. Oh, how the world has changed when we are begging Germany to be more militant...
Well, the show came on and...well...there were no ha-has. perhaps a couple of hos, I don't know...but wasn't funny. Worse, it was annoying. The hosts looked like they did not want to be there. The fat one, whose name I neither know know care, seriously looked like he was contemplating which method he should use to whack himself. The other one laughed at everyone, even the absurdly unfunny ones. Of which there were a lot.
In season 1 and 2 I easily picked out a couple of guys (and girls) who amused me, her were genuinely talented and funny. Ralphie May, Dave Morell, they got robbed, but at least the guy they lost to was really funny. Season two was great as well with some seriously funny people on there.
This year? It seems to be mostly "I am trailer park trash single mother with a pathetic love life you get to hear about" versus "either I am gay or my parents are and just saying gay is funny" or "I have a physical deformity and therefore that is funny".
Now, I am not above making jokes about love lifes. They can be funny. I am not above gay jokes. They can be funny. I am not above using physical frailities as a source of humor. But you can't have that be your only joke.
For example, one girl, who I believe made it to the next stage, had a routine consisting of "My father is gay. He hopes your dad is. He has gay tastes in decorating. He has gay tastes in food."
Okay, we get it. Your dad is gay. Good for you. Moving on...sure, there is a joke or two there, but have some alternate material. Oh, and...make it be funny. Note to aspiring comedians: just saying "gay" or "drug" or "drunk" is not, in and of itself funny. Enough already.
Again, I have no problem with mocking physical ailments, gays, drunks, drugs, lawyers, religious figures, parents, dating life, politicians, or really, much of anything else. As long as it is funny because it is funny, not because it has one word in it.
The premise of LCS is outstanding. People who are funny and want to show their talent. So do that. Give them 5 minutes each to make us laugh. Be more like the guy teaching kindergarteners and less like the horse in front of the grocery trick ponies.
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
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