I have made no secret of my low opinion of public education. It is overfunded, loudly proclaims it teaches good science despite continuing to push as proven fact theories (more accurately, hypotheses...or, to use the phrase used by the media about other beliefs, "notions") that were discredited over a century ago. They teach a morality based on....well, what the loudest segments of society believe morality should be. There is no underlying foundation for many of these moralities, no source of authority. Additionally, the education the students receive even on matters with no room for subjectivity is often severely lacking.
One friend graduated with a high B average. He cannot read with comprehension things such as Thomas Paine's "Common Sense." I have seen his mathematical "skills" and was not impressed. And he was an honor student.
Never forget where the public education system of this country started. It began with concerned parents wanting their children to be prepared for the "3 r's...reading (so they could study the Bible for themselves and not be at the mercy of a literate clergy), 'riting and 'rithmetic". Nowadays, school is about preparing to get a better job. And it shows.
But more to the point...schools were founded by people with a specific morality. Those who believed otherwise, and there were more atheists, catholics, and a select few other religions than text books would have you believe, made a point of doing education their own way, of not participating in the publicly available schooling.
As times and morality changed, so did perception of the schools. The famed Scopes trial, decided legally in favor of the status quo but decided in the media in favor of the "nicer appearing" lawer (and think about that statement for a while) shifted the education system. In the early 40s the Superintendant of Schools explicitly stated his goal to make the schools into a tool to teach humanism and expunge religion. I would say he has been remarkably successful.
And while I have deep and serious disagreements with the Baptist church structure and its a- and anti-Scriptural hierarchy, and although they turned down the proposal, I think the idea is perfect: if your children, and this applies not just to religious, this applies to all people, if the education and moral foundation your offspring are receiving from public education is something you implicitly believe is false and wrong...get them out. Take them somewhere they will receive instruction you do not believe is false and morally reprehensible. Take them somewhere that you believe is honest, truthful and accurate. Because unless and until whatever your particular belief is infiltrates and takes over the command structure as the humanists did with the public school system, you will never see real change. So go where you have some control.
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
1 comment:
Just thought I would mention, you ever notice how it's always "intelligent design" but it's never "evolution" ?
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