Capítulo 5:
Reciclaje en el nuevo bario
Person 1: You just moved to a new neighborhood and need information about the recycling system. Talk to a neighbor and ask questions about how to separate and dispose of your garbage. Comment on the importance of keeping the planet clean.
Person 2: You live in the neighborhood Person 1 just moved to. Answer her/his questions about the neighborhood recycling system and explain some ideas you have about how to save natural resources.
Capítulo 6:
Viaje a otro país
Person 1: You just returned from a trip to a country in which some human rights are not respected. Tell your friend about your experience and how you would change the situation of people who don’t have the same rights that you have in your country. Use the subjunctive by stating what you would like the authorities or the government to do in order to make a difference.
Person 2: Your friend just returned from a trip and s/he tells you about how some people don’t have all the human rights that all human beings should have. Ask questions about her/his experience and comment on the issue of discrimination. Make some statements about the importance of respecting people’s rights in different situations (at work, at school, in different cultures…).
Capítulo 7:
Entrevista de trabajo
Gerente: You are the manager of a new Mexican restaurant called “Los huaraches” and you are looking for a waiter/waitress. Today you are interviewing a possible candidate for the position. Interview this person asking for the following information: name, previous experience, and why s/he thinks they are a good candidate for the position. Ask any other questions that will satisfy you that this person is the most qualified to work for you. Finally, tell the person the good news that they are hired, or the bad news that you will “call them later.”
Candidato/a: You are desperately looking for a job. You find a position open for waiter/waitress at a new restaurant called “Los huaraches.” You have an appointment today with the manager for an interview. Provide the manager with the following information as asked during the interview: name, previous experience and why you think you are the best candidate for the job. Remember to ask some questions of your own about the restaurant and the position.
Capítulo 8:
Hablemos del arte
You and your friend need to visit two art galleries to write a report for a university assignment. One gallery has an exhibition of Frida Kahlo’s paintings and the other is exhibiting Diego Rivera’a works. As you have only a few days left before the assignment is due you each visit one gallery and then share with each other about the art you saw in the gallery you visited. Talk about the techniques, color schemes, and the major themes of the artists. Tell your friend about your reactions to the art you saw.
For the final oral exam, you and your conversation partner will discuss one of the above topics for approximately 5-7 minutes. Prepare for all four topics. Your topic will be chosen randomly. You will be graded according to the following criteria:
Content, function and vocabulary:
Description: being able to talk about things with some detail.
Questions: ask 4 pertinent questions.
Correct use of: Ch. 5: object pronouns (me, te, lo/la, etc.)
Ch. 6: present subjunctive
Ch. 7: impersonal se / describing unknown things
Ch. 8: present subjunctive
Accuracy: mostly correct subject-verb agreement, number and gender, pronunciation, vocabulary.
Text type: some strings of sentences; simple, non-formulaic, complete sentences throughout; few isolated words and lists.
Although the exam will be done in groups of two, each student is graded independently and according to the above grading criteria.
Notes, memorized dialogs, books, props, cell phones, etc. may not be used during the final oral exam.
Prepare for the exam by having practice dialogs with your conversation partner and classmates using the above situations. Remember, like riding a bike or playing a musical instrument, practice makes perfect! Be sure to ask plenty of questions and elaborate on your answers.
Tammy's notas:
Hey Andres,chpt 51. Reciclas la basura? Do you recycle garbage2. Do you seperate the carboard glass and paper?3. What day does the company pickup the recycling?chpt 6I just got back from AfricaThe children don't have the same rights there as we do.Example they have to pay to go to schoolI think that the government needs to pay for schoolI believe that the people can form a protestEs importante to reduce povertyIf all children are in school it increases jobs and reduces povertychpt 7My name is Tammy Que es tu nombreDime sobre tu la experienca laboral pasadoSe necisita dos waitersSe quieran aprende quien rapididoFinalamente se ofrece bueno beneficios y salarioFelicidades tengas un trabajo cuando puedes empenzar?chpt 8Ill talk on frida kuhloabout color brightself portraitspain and suffering
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
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