Me neither...but I think the word "sounds" funny. There are certain words which, while not funny in and of themselves, just have a sound to them. Like Spork. There is nothing funny about a spork. Half spoon, half fork, all plastic...sounds like the tag line from a bad movie. Or a sequel...Revenge of the Sporks. In which thousands of Sporks escape their Kentucky Fried Chicken captivity and run free, embedding themselves in hundreds of lawns. "Oh, no!" cry the unhappy homeowners, "We've been sporked!"
Grass roots activists go nuts with joy. Lawnmowers cringe in fear...for lawnmowers, hitting a spork holds the same terro as hitting a spike in a tree for chainsaws. Now, there is something I never understood. Save a tree by putting metal into it? Metal that will rust and cause disease and blight in the tree...well done. At least when sporks strike lawns, they decompose after just a few thousand years, no real harm done. Unless, of course, someone reaches under the mower to remove the spork and forgets to turn it off first. But that would make a great name for the third of the Spork movie..."Hooked on Sporks".
We could create a brave new world. There could be songs "Sporkalicious", product tie-ins at KFC (Buy a bucket of chicken, get a spork as featured in the blockbuster movie, Sporktanic), and action figures..."Shawn, Spork of the Dead". We could even have a movie about two sporks that fall in love..."Sporkback Mountain".
I have to say, this post is sporked up.
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
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