It is really strange. Some days, like today, I feel funny and apparently am, judging by the sheer number of laughs I get. I got laughs from customers, coworkers and classmates. I even made myself laugh...always a good thing.
But other days it seems like no matter what I try, nothing is funny. I have never really figured out why this is. What differentiates me today from yesterday? Or tomorrow. There is not just a switch I can flip on and boom! I am funny.
Worst part is, today I thought of a situation that I found screamingly hilarious. I thought, hey, I should write that down so I don't forget it. Then I thought, no, that is so funny no way on earth will I forget it.
I forgot it.
A while ago I was advised to always carry a notepad and pen around so when I thought of funny concepts or even had a joke spring full-fledged into my head, I could write it down and not forget. Sadly, I have never taken this sage advice. As a result, numerous potentially very funny jokes have been lost for all time.
Not, of course, that this is necessarily a bad thing. many things I think are funny are not so adjudicated in the court of public opinion. But hey, what do they is my joke, not theirs.
Anyway, the point of all this is after a highly successful comedic day such as today, I sat down to write a humorouos piece here. Sadly, I was unable to work in even a single joke. What the smurf? I guess I should just be glad tomorrow is another day. Hasta manana.
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
1 comment:
Sounds like what you really want is a spanking.... but anyway, you should really try the notepad thing. It's really quite easy. Just go to Wal*Mart and by a $1 3x5 notebook and carry it in your back pocket. You probably won't even feel it there. As long as you always have a writing utensil at hand you always have a way to record info. (Palm pilots are highly overrated IMHO.) It has saved me having to use valuable advertising space (skin - which is only funny if you have heard about the people selling advertising space on themselves.) more times than I can count.
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