ever get tired of being lied to?

Me neither. I like it. I like it a lot. Never trusting a news source, a "talking head", a public figure...not that I did before, but what are the odds I will in the future. I hope I don't, but at the risk of offending my good friend Jr. Woodchuckette, former reporter...I think I stopped believing what i read in the papers in about 1973 (I learned to read in 1974, by the way) and stopped believing that what was reported IS news, or is COMPLETE news or is accurate shortly after. Of course, I have more trust in the papers than I do the radio or tv news...a lot of things are happening that most people never find out about and the skewed resultant view we get of the world is so far off reality it is truly, truly sad. And, unsurprisingly, politicized. Politics do not equal life, that is a fairly recent phenomenon and, in my view, a very negative one.


Unknown said...

I love being lied to also. But I am unclear as to what it is you are saying they lied about.....

Riot Kitty said...

hey, you're not offending me - most reporters are schmucks, and I have always thought so. Spin sucks.

Unknown said...

Okay, now that you have pointed out to me the date on the article, I see what you mean. The out and out lies that these people get away with is absolutely insane. At least three quarters of them should be in jail for slander... er lible (See? You can learn from movies. J. Jonah Jameson in Spiderman, "Spoken it's slander. In print it's lible.")