I forwarded my previous post to a couple people and this was what Dad wrote back. I am thankful that I have such a relationship with my Father that KNOWING we will likely disagree and still be able to pose probably controversial remarks is a good thing and I hope I never lose that.
Dear Son,
I love you and rejoice that you think for yourself and come to your ownconclusions. Nevertheless mine are sometimes different.I concur that all we do is to be done in the name of Christ and flow from theBible. To start with what we want to say and find Bible to support it in our memory or in our Bible is to guarantee that we will teach much falsehood if it is done more than on an emergency basis. We will form habits that demand we do all of our public teaching and preaching from that resevoir and what can flow out is only what is already inside from Scripture and other sources includingthe philosophy of the day, Colossians 2:8.I also know that teaching allegiance to our country, whatever it is, is God'swill in the assembly from His Word, Romans 13:1-7 et al. (Which is why I am no longer hungry).National borders are a Bible doctrine to be preached!The failure to teach and preach the Bible instead of around issues of the Bible is the result of a nation that believes unity is more important than faithfulness and will cause those who practice it to be lost and lead theirchildren and all who follow them into Hell.I do not agree at all with your analysis of what the flag stands for. It has never stood for bank robbery although government representatives have gone to jail for this crime. It does not stand for divorce or atheism though these things have been worse in our government than in the population for much of our history. I want to keep listing these things because they are a rebuke to all who have tolerated them and who love what that for which flag does stand. We were taught from kindergarten on that the flag stands for the Declaration ofIndependence and the Constitution. Every year for 13 years of public school in CA we were taught more and more of these truths. Every day of the school year in8th grade we studied the preamble, body, and bill of rights of our constitution along with the historical reasons behind them. We were taught that these were what the flag stands for. Liberals of every stripe have been the one trying to expand the meaning of the flag to include awful things because they want to make the constitution useless. It is the flag and what it represents that keeps God in play because that is the source of our right to exist as the historical documents declare. If they can get us to stand for a flag where there are no words to trap them and show their traitorous thinking and behavior they can overthrow the foundational documents. IF they can separate the flag from its true meaning. There is a very true sense in which it stands for Bible truth but not for denominational doctrines because that is the meaning of congress not establishing a "religion", which meant denomination of christianity in the 1st amendment. Our flag meant that from the beginning and still does. If the flag falls to the liberals, the freedoms guaranteed by our founding documents go with it, including freedom to worship God as we believe is right. And, by the way,that is the meaning of, "as each sees fit." That phrase is another that has suffered at the hands of unbelievers, it does not mean your can do what you think without reference to God and truth.So, I love my people but I see in society, in citizenship as well as submission to God and governmental authority as taught in the Bible, all of society has amajority in every division, spiritual or secular, there is a corruption of things that are right. By taking perspicuity and using rapid fire automatic weapons (glib mouths) they are succeeding in making lies of truth that they refuse to teach.Love you so much it hurts. I couldn't write these things except that I know youare sorting through the same pile of dirty linen I have had to wash, but the pile is much deeper and there are no longer and 'cleanest dirty shirts' we canmake do with until the washer and dryer have finished their work.Keep the faith, 'honor the king' and fight the good fight,
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
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