I have never been confused with an ardent environmentalist. I do not believe the world will come to an end if I flick a toothpick out the window or some random piece of paper blows out my car window. That is not to say I am for willful, careless, or wanton destruction...I simply recognize the difference between say...a 10,000 gallon per day plant and a banana peel.
So on my way from work to school today, I did not think much of it when I saw something green fall out of a car slightly ahead and in the lane next to me. As I drew closer it looked like a stuffed animal, still packaged and priced. As it turned out, the light was red and I was window to window with them. I look over and this little boy, probably 5 or 10 years old was crying his little eyes out, pointing back and sobbing.
The mother (I assume) looked over and I pointed back. "I think he dropped a stuffed toy. I could get it for you."
"No," she replied, "he didn't drop it. I threw it out."
What the smurf? What has the United States come to? Now, I don't get upset if I don't finish a decadent meal at the restaurante and deride myself because some shoeless kid in a third world country doesn't have enough to eat. Frankly, I think that argument is a bit ridiculous. Whether I eat that burger or not, he is not going to get it. Should I gorge myself into obesity because someone who is completely unaffected by my food consumption habits is hungry? If I really care, the better help to him is for me to eat at home and scratch a check to some charity so their board of directors can drive a Lexus instead of a Yugo.
By the same token, I am very against random waste. Such as...throwing a brand new, unopened toy out a car window because you don't know how to discipline your kid.
Is that really the best thing she could come up with? Hoisting a stuffed animal? Despite what I just said about food, there are a lot of outlets always trying to dun you for toy donations, stuffed animal donations...let me shill here for one of the best. Save your stuffed animals for a year...if you come with 10 or more, I will buy you a ticket to the Winterhawks Teddy Bear Toss next year, as long as I am financially able at that time. You can take those stuffed animals, watch the best sport on earth, throw them on the ice, and do some good.
Or you could be a redneck trailer park trash chain smoking beer bellied massive underarm haired sundress wearing hag in curlers who hoists it out the window to get splattered over a highway to spite your son. It makes no difference to me. All it really does is back up my belief that people suck. And you, lady...you are at the head of that list right now.
I suggest you figure out something about parenting before you take your kids for a drive again. We have had enough parents snap and harm their kids. I hope you become a better person because right now...you are trash.
And that is without even going into the illegality of littering.
Planning Summerfield
We are playing Summerfield. It is a pretty soft course, looks like a 116
slope, 2300ish yards. 6 par 4s, 3 par 3s, par 33 course. I have played it
5 years ago
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